Tuesday, July 10, 2007

We love play dates! Yesterday we went to my good friend Rachel Mcavoy's house for a little lunch and slippin and sliding!! Ketsy and Melinda came also so us moms had fun chatting. We love playing with friends and all the kids get along pretty well together. So Mark did very well speaking in church even though he felt it was false doctrine. Only because they asked him to speak on Fasting which he can never do because of his diabetes. So they said to tell about other ways to fast or things to fast from I should say. Like tv or cell phone or sugar. but in his case its Diet Coke! I want to kill Sonic and their Diet Coke because my husband is so addicted!!!! Anyways dont even get me started!(he goes twice a day) He did a good job and woke the congregation up with his witty humor! We had an unusaually busy sunday , meetings and a fireside it was crazy. But good news we switch to 9:40 am church starting in August Yea!!!!! WE have less than 3 weeks until Kindergarten.Im a little nervous for him but excited too!


The Farnsworth Family said...

So glad Mark did great! That is great that he was able to talk about "different" fasts. It is always a hard subject when you are pregnant/nursing. Dave and I talked about this during my last pregnancy and decided there were other ways to "fast" too. Like I didn't need to eat EVERYTHING I wanted on fast Sunday's, or no sweets, etc. during those times. Does that make sense? Interesting cause I think it is different for everyone :) Better than the WofW talk I had to give awhile ago. They had me talk about exercise and excess in anything. Interesting angle...
Speaking of Kindergarten for our little guys. I totally was teary last night. Although I wouldn't, I see why mom's home school. It is a scary world out there. I kept on thinking what if he gets picked on, what if he learns swear words, what if.... Dave let me know that that is just part of life and we have to hope we have taught him well enough to make good choices and have a little faith. I even mentioned private school just for kindergarten (Dave laughed and reminded me it is in EVERY school). Who knew I was this protective and this crazy?

Laura said...

Yay for a good talk! I just love Mark's sense of humor he has always been able to crack me up! Good job! Oh dear Sonic the addiction seriously I want to shut that place down for serving that liqid poison to certain members of my family AT LEAST twice daily.....I'm totally on your bus about it....only now that I know Mark is addicted too I have even more reason! :)
Good luck little Caden! How exciting! WOW the summer went quick!

Caryn said...

What a funny topic. Theorst i got was on the Founding Father and the Constitution and how it realated to the church..?? Huh?? That was a fun one to speak on, I earned a long exeption from speaking again for that one. When I get home we will play again! Okay?

caseyann said...

I wish i was addicted to diet coke instead full on sugar coke. i live off of it these days which in return makes me feel like crap. oh well!!! Sonic has the best ice too! Caden will have sooo much fun in kindergarten. For me when Hayley started kindergarten it made me feel old!!! 12 days till school starts here. happy and sad.

Jenna{Mommy in Manhattan} said...

That's funny! Don't you love to listen to your spouse speak! I was addicted to Sonic too when I lived in AZ. Also, How exciting for Kindergarten!

Nathan and Jordan said...

I can't believe that you remembered my birthday! Thanks girlie! Hope you have a very fun vacation!

Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

I bet playdates are so fun! I can't wait until Ethan is old enough for that!

Birchall Family said...

I too am so sad for the day kindergarten comes. I have a year or so left. I cried the whole 2 hours I took Mikey to preschool for the first time. He was fine, I was so sad. I think it was just the fact that someone else was going to be in his life teaching him besides me...kinda weird. I love good sacerment talks that keep me awake, I would have loved to been there, your husband sounds like he has a great sense of humor. Let me know how kindergarten goes!