Thursday, December 20, 2007

What the Halo?????

Seriously, you know your husband has a problem when he puts the music from Halo on our IPODS!! I want to KILL xbox!!! Well I for one have never understood the reasons for sure why people want to home school there children. Is it so they will be smarter? Or to protect them from evils of the world as long as possible( really they are socially retarding them)? Or because they enjoy teaching them. I would if I was a genius and could teach them anything but more power to those who do it,but your kids are not safe any where these latter days. Today (a few days ago actually) marks the day my 6 year old asked us what GAY means. Yes from church, a little boy went to sit by another little boy and that boy said" why do you want to sit by me ,what do you think Im gay??"This is at church people. What the heck?? We just explained to him in simple terms and told him not to talk about it to any other kids. I dont want my kid to be THAT kid who tells everyone what it means. This parenting stuff is crazy. And kids talk like wildfire so everyone be prepared the GAY talk is coming to your block very soon! Oh yea NEWSFLASH Owen is so close to walking everywhere, he takes about 4 or 5 steps and then sits down. He is amazing I love this little guy!!


SunGood said...

Ha Ha! K I would die, if the girls asked me what that means.. I would probably go with old definition of "just means happy!"... I cannot believe that happened at church too! Good luck with that one :)

Lacy King said...

HA HA HA HA! Do you know my mom home schooled us? AND YES, sometimes I feel socially retarted. :)

Pepper Lovin! said...

How cow! I am so scared about school and stuff. It is crazy. i am a talk radio junky-secretly- because I get pretty annoyed at the radio. So I was listening and this guy was talking about how his song had a preschool singing program. It was raining so it go cancelled due to the fact that it was raining. So at dinner he asked his son to sing a couple of his fav. songs. Well he started singing. a song that said I have blue eyes you have brown and we all live in harmony. I am one sister you have 3 we all live in harmony. I have one daddy you have two! Well the guy said he freaked out. Then he asked if he as over reacting for being mad! Well this was my first time to call in but I think that we as parents should have the right to tell our children our views on issues in the world. i don't think it is a teachers job to tell our children what they think is acceptable. It is sad to think that those types of conversations are going to go one even at church. sorry about the long post.

The Farnsworth Family said...

That is so stinkin funny Les (but kinda stressful too)... I can't believe that happened at church. I would like to know what you said exactly. I would have had no idea what to say. I am laughing at Mark's Halo musi on your ipod. I used to fight Dave about playing, now I just play it with him (and kick his bootie) he he!